The European project MARKETPLACE has reached to month 30th in the middle of its planning, with multiple activities in progress. Since the project is mainly focused on the development of a platform to solve specific modelling demands, most of the activities have continued by teleworking, combined with the corresponding sharing of results by periodic teleconferences, which have been organised from the beginning of the project, independently from the current situation. In this sense, part of the audioconference meeting, included various demonstrations of different sections of the platform, namely, data-bases, Symphony-Remote simulations, ProMo ontology tools, and even data curation system among others.
Other complementary activities, such as the experimental work to provide data to the computing models, have suffered some delays due to some limitations in the on-site activity of the different entities involved, however, it has been achieved a positive progress all the user cases in development within the project.
Precisely, Lurederra is one of the partners acting as validator of the MARKETPLACE platform, in the scenario of the specific design and production of nanomaterials by Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) technology. The focus of those materials is nanocatalyst application, and interesting empiric data have been compiled by the production of different batches in different operational conditions.
Thus, the project follows its normal path, enriching the computing models and refining all the systems involved in the target platform.