The European project NANOSTACK is evolving properly in terms of evaluation of nanomaterials for their possible use in advanced devices, as revealed in the 28-month follow-up meeting that was held on December 12th by teleconference and where the partners presented the results obtained in the last 6 months of work.
More concretely, partners have discussed topics related with printing and characterization of different stacks with specific structures and functionalities. For example, studying their electric and conductive properties, regarding their potential as capacitors; as well as the pyramidal printing of several layers to obtain first OLED diodes. Also, project partners have been organising the future work including not only technical deliverables, but also global management as well as dissemination and exploitation activities.
LUREDERRA has been the partner involved in the production, characterization and functionalization of innovative metallic oxide nanoparticles as (AZO, ITO and ATO). Materials addressed to future development of transparent conductive oxide layers for novel LEDs and fuel cells. To facilitate their use in the specific LIFT (Laser-Induced Forward Transfer) printing technology, LUREDERRA has been working lately in the optimization of ink and paste development to ensure a higher stability and homogeneity.