In mid-December, the first annual meeting of the European project “Smart innovative system for recycling wastewater and creating closed loops in textile manufacturing industrial processes” (WASTE2FRESH) was held. Due to the current situation, the conference took place by videoconference.
During this first year of the project, the work of the different partners in charge of complying with each of the Work Packages has focused on defining the requirements that each of the components of the wastewater recovery chain must meet. In this way, the development of this project focuses on a very important aspect with regard to the circular economy and the reduction of the environmental impact of textile factories, such as the possibility of recovering the water used by these companies, reducing their consumption and, therefore, improving the relationship with the environment.
Lurederra took advantage of the celebration of the day to expose the work that has been developing this first year of the project. Thus, he focused on explaining the advances in the systems responsible for the phase of elimination of contaminating heavy metals (As, Cu, Cr, etc.), as well as in the preparation of nanotechnology-based coatings with repellency and anti-corrosion properties. In this way, on the one hand, it will be possible to favor the cleaning of the water for its reuse and, on the other, to protect the components of the system to increase its useful life.